About me

My primary research interest lies in computational social science (CSS), natural language processing (NLP), social media mining and analysis. We now live in a world where we can reach people directly through social media without relying on traditional media such as television and radio. On the other hand, social media platforms collect vast amounts of data and create very specific profiles of different users through targeted advertising. While effective in enhancing content relevance, microtargeting poses risks of manipulating user behavior, creating echo chambers, and fostering polarization. My research vision is to understand microtargeting and activity patterns on social media by developing computational approaches and frameworks blending CSS, NLP, and artificial intelligence (AI).

A significant challenge lies in understanding the messaging and how it changes depending on the targeted user groups. Another challenge arises when we do not know who the users are and what their motivations are for engaging with content. I address these challenges by developing computational approaches for (1) characterizing user types and their motivations for engaging with content [ICWSM 2022] [ICWSM 2021] [ICSC 2021] [IEEE BigData 2020] ; (2) analyzing the messaging consumed by users and their responses to it [ICWSM 2023] [AIES 2023] [IEEE BigData 2022] ; (3) delving into the deeper understanding of the theme and arguments involved in the content [ICWSM 2025] [Preprint 2024 (a)] [ACL 2023] [DASH @EMNLP 2022] [NAACL 2022].

A major challenge is understanding the harmful effects of messaging choices when it comes to reinforcing bias and stereotypes. Doing that requires us to scale up this analysis and adapt to ongoing continuous changing messaging. I study leveraging large language models (LLMs) to analyze societal opinions; biases in microtargeting [Preprint 2024 (b)]; foster human-AI collaboration in complex psycho-linguistic tasks; create AI-driven insights that inform policymaking and promote positive societal change.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science (CS) at Purdue University, West Lafayette. My advisor is Dr. Dan Goldwasser. I am fortunate to collaborate with Dr. Ming Yin, Dr. Ruqi Zhang, and Dr. Lyle Ungar. I obtained M.Sc. in Computer Science (CS) from Old Dominion University (ODU) in 2018. Prior to joining ODU, I worked as a software developer on the R&D team of Dohatec New Media for two years. I completed my B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in the year 2013.

See my publications here .

My Google Scholar and ResearchGate profile.

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